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Acupuncture in Medicine
Acupuncture in medicinal drug pursuits to promote the medical know-how of acupuncture and related treatments by publishing clinical investigations in their effectiveness and modes of action in addition to articles on their use in health offer... Read More
Acupuncture in medicinal drug pursuits to promote the medical know-how of acupuncture and related treatments by publishing clinical investigations in their effectiveness and modes of action in addition to articles on their use in health offerings and clinical practice. Acupuncture in medicinal drug makes use of the Western knowledge of neurophysiology and anatomy to interpret the results of acupuncture.
Close XAcupuncture in medicinal drug pursuits to promote the medical know-how of acupuncture and related treatments by publishing clinical investigations in their effectiveness and modes of action in addition to articles on their use in health offerings and clinical practice. Acupuncture in medicinal drug makes use of the Western knowledge of neurophysiology and anatomy to interpret the results of acupuncture.